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Wednesday, September 12, 2018

The sunset I left behind

I ventured into this once beautiful woodland that somehow rotted and decayed when darkness fell.
It fell quickly upon this thicket. The once lovely trees now hollow, what evil could they possess?
Will this unfamiliar forest become known to me as the one where restless spirits dwell?
My heart pounding in my chest, sensing danger, the wicked here most certainly know of my distress.

Adrenalin raging, I’m trembling, stumbling with labored breath through this cold cloud.
Grazing unknown entities in this dark realm, lingering ominous peril closing in.
Shapes darker than the surrounding darkness keeping me here in their murky shroud.
Time dawdling by with the present danger raising every hair in every pore of my skin.

I didn’t believe the legends of these woods. Tales of evil phenomenon, I wish I could forget.
Panicking for an exit strategy while all the tales are playing on the silver screen of my mind.
Regular patrons on their stools drinking pints, haunting laughter, puffing their cigarettes.
Amongst this tangled, thorny scrub until sunrise, remembering the beautiful sunset I left behind.

Photo: Tobias Huske/Unsplash
Linking with Poets United for Sumana’s midweek motif “Sunsets”


  1. O! I picture myself walking into a bar when I might have stayed outside and been blessed by sun setting. Instead I am in a decayed/decaying place, that eats away even at me. And then I remembered a walk though the woods where I feared dying before reaching the other side--sun dropping beyond sight. Your poem with its mood of fear and regret truly affects me!

    1. Thank you, Susan! I'm happy you enjoyed it. 😃

  2. With the sunset the darkling forest has become an interesting character! Wow!

  3. A panicky journey through. Happy for sunrise

    much love....

  4. Lovely poem. In the midst of the smoke and people, it is a lovely sunset to remember.

  5. I can feel the sense of fear and danger here. Darkness does make the forest seem scary. Here, we have wolves and cougars wandering through, so I would feel the same way!

  6. The chill in these lines makes me want more of the story--you enchanted the forest perfectly :)

  7. Oh, this is dark and gritty -- the imagery is ominous and the feelings thus described have a chilling impact. Remembering the sunset left behind makes its loss all the more tangible and the current environment all the more threatening. Very well-penned.

  8. Leaving a sunset behind can be sad, and eerie. Lovely poem, Vicki!


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