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Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Enchanting Deity Chione

Enchanting deity Chione daughter of Boreas.
Please surprise us with a lovely snow storm.
Cover our forest pines with fluffy white frosting.
Surprise the children with enough snow to form…

Decent size snowballs to throw through the air.
They’d love running around with rosy pink cheeks.
Dear Chione I wouldn’t be surprised at all,
If they built snow castles with tall towering peaks.

We play in the sand here most of the year.
Even though it’s December, it can be quite warm.
Ask daddy Boreas to blow cold winds our way.
Surprise us with a beautiful winter snow storm.

Ask mother Oreithyia to surprise us with frosty ice.
Enchanting deity Chione send the flurries from the skies.
We want to wear our Christmas boots and coats,
Outside in the cold frosty white surprise.

Photo: Unsplash
Linking with Poets United Midweek Motif: Surprise 


  1. Love this touch of myth. May winter come with its snowy glory and Christmas bells....

  2. I love this so much. I will join you in chanting this beautiful winter wish. <3

    And for snow that will stick!

  3. Cool. It's gently snowing here now, our second snow of the year. I wish I could send it! I enjoy watching it and feeling the meter of your poem, gently praying, moving forward wistfully! I knew a woman who called herself Oreithyia--but have never before read her or Chione together with Boreas in a poem. Love it!

  4. would be a lovely surprise. :)

  5. Lovely lyrics! Brings me back to when I loved snow as a child! :)

  6. No snow here. We did get some FROST overnight. LOL. Where I lived last, snow was part of winter. Pretty, for sure. But I am happy with frost.

    1. It is starting to get colder here. Thanks, Sherry. ❄

  7. I like the mythical theme and love the hopes and beauty of winter that are voiced here! A beautiful delight to read! May winter's charms come our way! πŸŽ…πŸ˜

  8. Well good luck with your pleas to Chione...not that we can trust them her as those Greek gods and goddesses really had minds of their own and sometimes would trick and use us just for fun.

  9. Ah yes. My grandaughter, then three, went to America in December she left Trinidad wanting
    to see and play in the snow like in the story books.
    Yes she was pleasantly surprised that year.

    Thanks for dropping ny my blog Vicki


  10. 'Frosty white Surprise' to welcome the winter and the holiday season!
    Well stacked stanzas and effortless rhymes with a touch of fantasy is what makes this a wonderful poem.

  11. I love the image of "cold frosty white surprise" sigh.. beautiful writing!πŸ’–

  12. How lovely this is, Vicki. Frosty surprises can be exciting.


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