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Tuesday, January 15, 2019

There Was a Time

There was a time when I held onto insecurity –
Tight as the bottom of the ocean holds onto wreckage.
Unable to try new things.
Afraid of what someone might say –
Or worse what they might think…
And not say. I feared the eye roll.
Then there came a time when…
I unclenched the lap bar – held my arms in the air.
Opened my eyes wide and looked forward.
Embraced the ups and downs.
Mentally threw any eye rollers off the track.
And enjoyed the thrill of the ride.
Then there came a time not so long ago…
When gravity started whizzing me down the track,
A little faster it seemed – wind smacking me in the face.
However, my gears are still clicking and clanking.
I’m still climbing – the excitement of the ride still consumes me.
Now, I can only hope…
I continue to experience the thrill of life – in an exhilarating way –
Until my ride comes to a stop.

Photo: Pinterest


  1. I can so relate to this Vicki. A wonderful ride life can be with ups and downs thrills and spills. It does seem that gravity is making time go faster and my body slow down. LOL


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